
Friday 14 November 2014


Hey Raylamence back here.

Sorry for the long awaited update loyal readers, but recently I just completed My GCE O'Levels a couple days back, and just had my prom a couple hours ago. It has been a wild and crazy ride drama and action that I'll get to in just a minute.

So erm, if you realised that my style of writing has changed, I just cant find my deep and sentimental self to write this evening. So this would be my causal self writing tonight. Even though its 2.30 in the morning, hahah... Lets start of with O levels.

O' Levels was shit? Hahahaha, but in all seriousness, I screwed up most of my components. I wasn't in my right state of mind, i guess I'll be retaking exams next year?

After O levels, comes Prom , which I just ended a couple hours ago. It was alright I guess? Nothing out of the ordinary, The best part was the performances , even though my table was blocked by a damn pillar. Well never mind then. I took many Polaroids for my friends and I, but due to my carelessness, I dropped all of mine on the way home. Just reached home finding majority of them anyways, Now kept safely in my folder. The only part I couldn't stand, was seeing one of my best friends, a girl whom I respect and treat as my younger sister,Nair (Alias),  acting mushy and flirted by the guy who stabbed me right in the back. I'll get into more detail.

So this guy, honestly he WAS one of my closest friends, and I thought I could trust him with anything. Me and Jay (Alias) , WERE his two closest friends, and we helped him a lot when he got into trouble with the law and authorities. What were they? I wont go into detail, but lets just say Jay and I helped this guy, lets call him Dog (Alias) , from avoiding the law and saving his ass so that he could continue his clean record and go into medical school in the future. We saved his ass again and again cause he is the most retarded guy on earth and did opposite of what me and jay told him to do to avoid the cops. Yet, he did those opposite actions and that caused and landed him into more trouble. Just when we thought things were finally getting normal, I caught him in the act again ( Don't worry, Dog didn't steal or shit, but honestly I wished he did so he could be caught earlier) , which I thought he would wash his hands off the situation. I caught him talking to THAT girl, which he promised never to talk or even go close to her ever again. Guess what, they are using the secret location in my school that I showed to him time after time again, to meet up , yet he keep saying it was the last time, it was the last time. Bullshit. It was only the last time after O levels. By then I already lost most of my respect and trust for that guy. He was literally demoted to just new friends, right above acquaintances. Eventually over time , I thought he was coming to the light, my trust for him was slightly building up, then it happened.

I was newly attached during O levels, but recently broke up due to complications. This girl , I had no idea had feelings for me, and I introduced her to some of my other friends. Now this dude, Rock (Alias), happens to be very fond of her. So as a pep talk, I encouraged him to go for her. Then I have no idea how, she and I got together. Now i kept it a secret for a short period of time, till a friend's birthday , Aaron (Alias) . We all left his place and I separated from the group. On the way back home, Dog told Jay about Rock liking my (in the past) girlfriend, and unless I go to him for help, Dog will assist Rock in getting my (in the past) girlfriend, and he already had a plan formulated in his mind of how to do so! Like seriously try to steal her away from me?! And Plus, HE WAS MY BEST FRIEND. WHY THE F*** WOULD SOMEONE DO THAT!? When I heard the news from Jay, I was raging and trying not to cuss but all the words came out. <Insert cuss words here>  It was then I knew I had befriended the wrong guy, and that caused my hatred for him to grow ultimately stronger.

So to get to the point, after realising what he said and planned , when I was him flirting with Nair today, I just raged that he would F*** up her life as well. I couldn't stand the sight of them acting flirty in public, and do you even know whats the most fucked up part? He has already dated these girls, and all of them are from the same clique. So after a R/s didn't work out, he went on to another one, and now ANOTHER ONE, Nair . Can you not see how messed up this is? Is that girl clique not seeing anything wrong with the picture?? AH F*** KNCCB --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We Interrupt your Story for the author to cuss all his rage out---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Anyways, I really care for Nair as she is also one of my closest friends. I cant bear to sit by and watch them. I groan and grovel every damn time he flirts with her. Fast forward about 1 hour later, he approached me to ask for a photo. I thought I could control my emotions well, so for the heck of it, just took the photo with him. Right after that, I just couldn't hold it in any longer. The Guy who stabbed me right in the back has his arm on my shoulder and I'm forcing to a smile. That was it. After the shot, I got one guy to back of from talking to him , and started to threaten him that should Nair be hurt in anyway I would be coming for him. The moment he said that they have already went out or are going out, ( I don't know which, but I still know it isn't good either way) I raged at that moment. Mentioning indirectly his incident and plan of attack towards me to get my (in the past) girl. He had a questionable look in his eyes, and before I could do anything else, one of my other friends dragged me away, as he knew things would get messy if I didn't leave . Jay and the others told me not to rage at him now, calmed me down and I carried on the night trying to keep my composure.

I just really wish for Nair's happiness and safety. The dog bastard won't know what would be coming his way if he really took things too far. Moral of the story, Even though you think that you a person inside out, you have to expect the unexpected. As in this case , I didn't expect my best friend to turn against me. Never judge a book by its cover, has never been so true, but even knowing a person, be wary of knifes that will may be hidden among your friends.

Going for an interview for work next week, and going to Cameron Highlands and Kuala Lumpur  for holiday soon . Who knows? Maybe I'll have more stuff to share by then?

Little notes and stuff to readers? J? You've moved to NYC, and I'm really happy for you. Happy Belated 15th birthday again. Just wish you'd say hi more but since our time differences are the cause, I understand your pain of adjusting to a new life. I dont blame you, but try to say hi more ? I really love to talk to you again after so long ^^

SK ? Hahaha finally got that update you wanted ? Well here you go, sorry if it isn't what you wanted. I'll promise to write more about more interesting stuff soon.

V, i hope you've grown to be more understanding and carefree , and sorry for not messaging you back this evening,  Please be more cheery and carefree .

More stuff to come soon. Stay frosty guys.

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